Europe of the Regions — Europa der Regionen: The necessary turn

Kürzlich erhob eine akademische Kultureinrichtung angesichts der gegenwärtigen Erschütterungen der europäischen Integration eine Umfrage. Man sollte mitteilen, wie man sich “Next Europe” vorstelle. Hier meine Antwort:

Europe has to be fundamentally reorganized − spiritually, culturally, economically, and politically. Without such a turn Europe will fail and its effective structure will collapse.
Considering the future of Europe there are five essentials absolutely necessary to overcome the actual troubles:
(1) Democracy: Citizens’ participation in political decision making.
(2) Welfare: Social security and humanitarian standards for everybody; the fight against poverty as a general social task.
(3) Education: An efficient education system as the main pre-condition for Democracy and Welfare and vice versa.
(4) Regionalism: The European regions should become the main layer of European policies constituting a profound federalism respecting the rights of minorities.
(5) Subsidiarity: The principle of subsidiarity should become the main guideline for European policies.

All dogmatic ideologies or illusions about Europe, such as

– the idea of the centralized “United States of Europe”
– a currency union with quite unequal social systems
– borders without controlling (Schengen) in a situation, when organized criminality blossoms; etc.

should be abandoned.

Europe will flourish, when its complex history and the cultural diversity of its regions are respected and brought together in a creative, cooperative, and peaceful way.

“Next Europe” should become a “EUROPE OF THE REGIONS”.
Ich plädiere für ein “EUROPA DER REGIONEN”.

Anmerkung vom 12.05.2016:

Die betreffende Stellungnahme wurde inzwischen im Rahmen einer umfangreicheren Dokumentation von der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste (Salzburg) veröffentlicht. Siehe hierzu meinen Beitrag in diesem Blog.